• 2021年8月4日
     Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued four interpretation articles in a row to comprehensively interpret the "14th Five-Year Plan for Urban Sewage Treatment and Resource Utilization Development Plan" issued. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the utilization of sewage resources has been accelerated, which has promoted the empowerment and upgrading of the sewage treatment industry. Its key material, water treatment membrane, has also received more and more attention, which has also promoted the development of my country's water treatment membrane industry. According to estimates, the total investment in my country's membrane recycled water treatment market will reach 107.1 billion yuan. As sewage resource utilization continues to accelerate, the market space of 100 billion yuan will accelerate.Water treatment membranes...
  • 2021年7月23日
    In the first half of 2021, the investment in water treatment industry projects was 180 billion yuan, a decrease of 48.7% year-on-year. In the first half of this year, water treatment projects were mainly concentrated in South China, with an investment of 109.3 billion yuan in industry projects.The downstream customers of the water treatment industry are mainly electric power, metallurgy, chemical industry, municipal water affairs and other industries. The prosperity of these industries is closely related to the development of the national economy and the fluctuation of fixed asset investment.Due to a certain degree of volatility in my country's macroeconomic development, the government will take stricter macroeconomic control measures in a certain period, and even directly limit the scale and investment progress of fixed asset investment in specific industries, causing the water t...
  • 2021年6月3日
        Text | Zhejiang University Professor Ye Zhangying "Electrolysis Water Technology Channel" Luo Haixin   Editor | "Electrolyzed Water Technology Channel" Pei Luowei   In recent years, with the continuous improvement of breeding levels, my country's breeding industry has entered a period of rapid development. However, due to the intensive scale and high-density breeding of farms, the pathogens in the farms have become increasingly complex, and these pathogenic microorganisms can survive under appropriate conditions. Cause the epidemic of epidemic diseases, such as swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, porcine blue-ear disease, porcine circovirus, avian influenza, high fever, etc., the faster the pathogenic microorganisms spread. Once an infectious disease breaks out, it is often too late to take measures. , will cause serious economic losses. &n...
  • 2021年6月3日
    在公众号上一篇的《污水厂污泥困境》的文(wén)章中提到了污水厂过曝气对污泥产量的影响,引起了一些讨论,大家对过曝气的看法有(yǒu)很(hěn)多(duō)更好和更深刻的见解,為(wèi)了把这个问题解析清楚,公众号的这一篇就对污水厂过曝气进行展开讨论下。 污水厂的过曝气是在运行中出现的一种运行工况,在正常运行下,污水气(曝气量)、水(进水水质、水量)、泥(活性污泥浓度)三者是一个动态平衡,但是这种平衡会收到外界环境因素的不断变化而被不停的打破,再进入到一个新(xīn)的平衡中去。定义过曝气的状态就是指在运行中,曝气系统提供了超越活性污泥系中的微生物(wù)降解污水中有(yǒu)机物(wù)所需的氧气的量,造成了活性污泥系统中的氧气富裕,检测生物(wù)池内溶解氧的含量过高(4mg/L以上)的状态。 在运行人员心中一种普遍的思路认為(wèi),过曝状态下,活性污泥中的微生物(wù)在降解完污水中的有(yǒu)机物(wù)以后,就会开始自身消耗,也就达到了活性污泥的內源呼吸期,使活性污泥自我消化,从而减少活性污泥的产量。   传统的活性污泥的污泥产量计算公式中: ΔX=Y(S0-Se)Q-KdVXV ΔX:是每日增...
  • 2021年3月26日
    武汉军山(shān)方舱医院為(wèi)新(xīn)型冠状病毒肺炎患者临时定点收治单位,其产生的污水中含有(yǒu)大量的细菌、病毒等致病微生物(wù)、有(yǒu)机物(wù)、悬浮物(wù)等,具有(yǒu)较高的传染性和危害性。 本文(wén)介绍该医院污水处理(lǐ)的方式:“预处理(lǐ)+以膜生物(wù)反应器為(wèi)核心的智能(néng)一體(tǐ)化污水净化系统(ICWT)+复合消毒”,处理(lǐ)后出水各指标均可(kě)达到《医疗机构水污染物(wù)排放标准》(GB18466-2005)所规定的排放限值要求。同时,系统全流程密闭,臭气全收集消毒处理(lǐ),避免了气溶胶扩散途径。   一 方舱医院污水设施需求   方舱医院是為(wèi)应对本次新(xīn)型冠状病毒肺炎疫情所设立的临时性集中收治点,其污水处理(lǐ)设施需满足以下要求: 1、安全性要求高 其污水中含有(yǒu)大量细菌、病毒等致病微生物(wù),具有(yǒu)空间污染、急性传播和潜伏性传染的危险,若不能(néng)妥善处理(lǐ),可(kě)能(néng)会导致环境的污染,引起病毒的扩散、变异甚至出现疫情的扩散,因此处理(lǐ)设施需对污染物(wù),尤其是致病污染物(wù)具有(yǒu)较好的处理(lǐ)效果。 2、抗冲击能(néng)力强 方舱医院污水主要来自病人洗漱、洗浴、大小(xiǎo)便等,排放时间相对集中,因此水量水质的时变化较大...